Have you written a book? If you’re like most people, you
will probably testify that it was a long and grueling process. But eventually
you reach the end, and rejoice. And then you seek to show off your work to
publishers, and quickly realize that the writing was the easy part.
Back in the 1990s, American publishers fired hundreds of
editors and readers. They figured out that they could get those same services for
free through literary agents, because
agents only send them material that’s already pre-screened and edited. Agented
authors don’t need as much coaching and hand-holding, and the reps themselves don’t
get a salary or a desk or a pension.
What this means for you, is that the publishers just don’t
have enough staff or resources to handle thousands of unsolicited submissions. They
won’t answer your calls and letters; the firewall seems impenetrable, and the situation
hopeless. But do you really need an
agent to pierce that wall? In an absolute sense, the answer is no. That is, if
you know what you’re doing.
Often, editors seek out new authors at writers’ conferences.
Typically, at such events, they will teach a workshop and take appointments
with the authors in attendance. Bring your elevator pitch.
Many publishers exhibit their products at book fairs, and
sometimes their editors show up to staff the booth. Strike up a conversation.
Some houses declare an open-submissions period for certain
genres, for a short time each year. Subscribe to Writer’s Digest, and you’ll be
in the know.
Now, what about those publishers that allow you to submit your
work directly? Is the process any easier, or are your chances any better? Not
necessarily. Just because they accept un-repped submissions, does NOT necessarily
mean that they’re publishing un-repped books. This process might just mean that they want a broad range of candidates to
choose from. But they still know that agents still make their jobs much easier.
I’ve had a few strange discussions with writers who were unimpressed
with my portfolio. Some of those deals didn’t require an agent, so I did
nothing that the author couldn’t have done on her own; so I shouldn’t collect a
commission for it.
What they don’t know (because they didn’t ask), is that I
almost always start my submissions with the Big Five. And when I do, I always
score a few reads. At that point, I'm no longer in the room. It's just you
and the editor, and either your story is good or it isn't. I brought you to the
party, but now it's up to you to deliver.
You might get a deal without an agent. But then what? Do you
know how to negotiate that contract? Do you know what royalty to expect?
Advance? Reserve? Which rights should you grant, and which should you hold on
to? Or should you accept the offer at all? When you charge ahead unrepresented,
in a field where you have no experience, these issues are sure to multiply.
Get an agent if you like, don't if you don't. But educate yourself and make an informed decision.
Get an agent if you like, don't if you don't. But educate yourself and make an informed decision.
YEP! Agreed. Glad I have my agent. ;)
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the reasons why people should seriously consider self-publishing.